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1Shot steel stud anchor


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Often mistaken as a Drywall Anchor, our 1SHOT™ Steel Stud Anchor has been designed for use with Steel Studs on interior walls of today’s condominiums, hotels, hospitals, schools and other modern buildings.

  1. Save time & money by reducing labor

  2. No wood needed behind drywall

  3. Works with IKEA® track mounting systems*

  4. No fumbling with hard to use toggle bolts

  5. No adhesives needed

  6. Works with most flat screen mounts

* IKEA® is the registered trademark of Inter-Ikea Systems BV, a corporation of Netherlands.

* IKEA® is the registered trademark of Inter-Ikea Systems BV, a corporation of Netherlands.


1SHOT™ Steel Stud Anchor provides the user with the unprecedented load and weight capacity of up to 300 pounds (136 kilograms) per anchor.


For more information, visit